Monday, March 17, 2008

Trinity Baptist Church

Trinity United Church is fighting back against the media coverage that Rev. Wright has been receiving the past few days because of statements he made about America, the Government spreading aids to the African American community and how 9/11 was an inside job. The church is quoted with saying reports on the inflammatory remarks by Rev. Wright are an attempt to attack "the history of the African American church." They are also quoted with saying this "Reverend Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr.'s character is being assassinated in the public sphere because he has preached a social gospel on behalf of oppressed women, children and men in America and around the Globe. No its not, Fox news is reporting the derogatory comments because they should inform America on what the Rev. Wright is preaching. In my opinion he is preaching hate towards America, and using the pulpit as his podium for his political views. I do believe that not all the sermons that he has preached have been political. I believe that a large percentage of the sermons where about spreading the word of god, and that is good. But as a black veteran I can't sit back and watch this man talk nonsense about America, by living in America he has the right to leave when ever he wants, and take his congregation with him.

Rev. John H. Thomas is quoted with saying "it saddens me to see news stories reporting such a caricature of a congregation that has been such a blessing to the UCC'c Wider Church mission ... It's time for us to say 'No" to these attacks and declare that we will not allow anyone to undermine or destroy the ministries of any of our congregations in order to serve their own narrow political or ideological ends." Hold up, the first thing is the media isn't bashing the congregation,  or any of its members, the media is reporting what the pastor said about America. Second this isn't about  the media trying to degrade or destroy the African American Church, as Rev. Thomas would like for you to believe. The church and Rev. Thomas have their hands in their wallets and are about to pull out their race card at any minute, they are starting to hide behind race and make it seem OK to denounce America if you are black. They are making it seems as if its OK to say anything you want if you are black or a minority. The one thing that makes it acceptable to speak your mind is the 1st Amendment and that's it. The right to speak your mind was given to you because you where born in America, not by the color of your skin. They would like for you to believe that this is the 60's all over again and we are in the south and church's are being burned, and blacks lynched. The Rev. Otis Moss is quoted with saying "The African American Church was born out of crucible of slavery and the legacy of prophetic African American preachers since slavery has been and continues to heal broken marginalized victims of social and economic injustices. This is an attack on the legacy of the African American Church which led and continues to lead the fight for human rights in America and around the World." No one is attacking the African American Church, we are concerned about the words of one Jeremiah Wright. The African American Church isn't denouncing the American government, it is our so called Black Leadership. Rev. Moss is also stated with saying "The 11 o'clock hour is the most segregated hour in America." Forty years later, the African American Church community continues to face bomb threats, death threats and their ministers' characters are assassinated because they teach and preach prophetic social concerns for social justice. Sunday is still the most segregated hour in America." Trinity Church has all different colors of people that attend, I wonder just how they feel? Do they feel segregated by this statement? If the African American Church feels segregated its because we are segregating ourselves from the rest of the country, we as blacks are allowing our black leaders to continue to undermine all the work and accomplishments that Malcolm X, Dr, King, Marcus Garvey, Abraham Lincoln,  The Little Rock Nine achieved, Thurgood Marshall, and Clarence Thomas.

As a black man, I'm tired of other blacks criticizing America. By all means, if you don't want to live here you can leave, and move to Africa. Don't move to the Cape either, move to Sudan, Somalia or Liberia, and see what those Africans think about you. They don't think of you as Africans, in some place they look at you as food! So go ahead and see how that works out for you.

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