Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Al Sharpton, is threatening to sue the Democratic National Party if it counts the Florida primary results which will have a direct impact on the Presidential Election. Sharpton threatening to sue could splinter the Democratic party. Now whether Sharpton is right or wrong, he finds himself in the middle of so many issues. It seems to me that Sharpton likes the media attention, whether he believes in the issue or not. As of right now Sharpton hasn't endorsed Obama, but Sharpton was quoted saying this " It would be a great moment as long as the black candidate was supporting the interest that would inevitably help our people. A lot of my friends went with Clarence Thomas and regret it to this day. I don't assume that just because somebody my color, they're my kind. But I'm warming up to Obama, but I'm not yet there." I disagree with this statement all together, my first problem is the why should Obama help our people, who is "our people" if he is referring to blacks, a President can't place people that are the same color as himself ahead of the rest of the country what nonsense is that. Second  what  are these interest that blacks have that Obama needs to address? Third why can't blacks help themselves before looking towards others for help first? As a black man, I have never looked towards my government, or any other person for help, before helping myself first. All the black special interest groups and black need  not to stop handicapping African Americans. We need to start teaching blacks to look towards themselves first then others second, and the government last.  Maybe with this new media exposure, he might be able to make a little money from it, I don't know.

From my perspective Sharpton  only involves himself in certain issues that will lift him back into the media lime light, and  maybe able to obtain few moments on The Factor with Bill O'Reilly


Anonymous said...

You should check out a guy named Herman Cain in Atlanta. He's a great success story and doesn't for a minute bring the fact the he'a black man up.

He stands in on the Neal Boortz radio show once in a while.

Sid said...

You are correct Alex, I have heard Herman Cane before on the Neal Boortz show. He is highly educated, and doesn't use the race card.